fink...... Feeewl!
is a private site I use for larking about on the www and testing scripts
and suchlike. Over time I will fill it with stuff of some description
for my own amusement. Feel free to look around and play with anything
you may find, please remember everything I say and do comes under intellectual
copyright, I'm running a bit low on cash for litigation but you get
the idea.
yeh I also get to bitch and gripe about any social ills that spring
to mind and generally use this site as a platform for my huge ego. I
sincerely doubt the opinions of an ageing geek such as my good self
will stimulate the masses, but hey this webmaster lark is giving me
massive delusions of grandeur. If any content should offend anyone,
lets hope they are also a bit light on cash for litigation.
used images and one liners on the pages of this site from my favourite
20th century icons to assist with self expression. If I'm inadvertantly
breaching any copyright... Please dont sue me... I'm a poor man... I
have nothing... I'll take it down... I'll do anything you say... I beg
you. (etc etc).
back to see what meaningless drivel I've filled this site with and do
feel free to comment on anything you like, or don't like. You may not
get the reply you imagine or you may not get a reply at all.